Adam G. Brooks, MD, FAAOS, QME Orthopaedic Surgeon
Dr. Adam Brooks is a board-certified orthopaedic surgeon practicing in Antioch, California. Dr. Brooks subspecializes in sports medicine and is board-certified in orthopaedic sports medicine, as well. Dr. Brooks provides occasional orthopaedic trauma call coverage for Highland Hospital in Oakland, CA, working with orthopaedic surgery and emergency department resident physicians, in addition to presenting educational lectures for orthopaedic residents in the San Francisco Orthopaedic Residency Program. Dr. Brooks has expertise in industrial medicine and is available to provide qualified medical evaluations and agreed medical evaluations. Dr. Brooks is available for medical-legal reports on a case-by-case basis.
- Adam Brooks, MD, Inc.
8/2015-present - Sutter Delta Medical Center
Antioch, CA
2016-present - Highland Hospital
Oakland, CA
2017-present - Alameda Hospital
Alameda, CA
2017-present - San Leandro Hospital
San Leandro, CA
2017-present - John Muir Medical Center
Walnut Creek, CA
2017-present - John Muir Concord
Concord, CA
2017-present - State of California
2017-present - 2017-present
CEO and Owner
Attending Orthopaedic Surgeon
Licensed Qualified Medical Examiner
Independent Medical Examiner
- Sutter Delta Medical Center, Antioch, CA
- John Muir Health, Walnut Creek Medical Center, Walnut Creek, CA
- John Muir Health, Concord Medical Center, Concord, CA
- BASS Surgery Center, Walnut Creek, CA
- Highland Hospital, Oakland, CA
- Alameda Hospital, Alameda, CA
- San Leandro Hospital, San Leandro, CA
- University of California, Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA
- St. Mary’s Medical Center
San Francisco, CA
- St. Mary’s Medical Center
San Francisco, CA
- Keck School of Medicine of USC
Los Angeles, CA
Doctor of Medicine - Brandeis University
Waltham, MA
8/2000-5/2004Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, Summa Cum LaudeBachelor of Arts in Sociology, High Honors
- Arthrex, Inc
Operative Techniques for Multiligamentous Knee Injuries
Orange, CA
February 27, 2016 - International Sports Medicine Fellows Conference
Comprehensive Approaches to Articular Cartilage Repair and Hip Arthroscopy
Carlsbad, CA
January 22-24, 2016 - Arthrex, Inc.
Operative Techniques in Pediatric Sports Medicine
Orange, CA
December 5, 2015 - AO North America
AO Advanced Principles and Techniques of Operative Fracture Management
La Jolla, CA
October 24-27, 2013 - Arthroscopy Association of North America
Fundamentals in Arthroscopy – Resident Course
Rosemont, IL
December 6-9, 2012 - AO North America
AO Basic Principles and Techniques of Operative Fracture Management
Las Vegas, NV
November 3-6, 2011
- Oakland Athletics, Orthopedic Surgeon Consultant
Oakland, CA
7/2019-present - UCLA Football Assistant Team Physician
Los Angeles, CA
8/2015-7/2016 - UCLA Men’s Waterpolo Team Physician
Los Angeles, CA
8/2015-7/2016 - UCLA Rowing Team Physician
Los Angeles, CA
8/2015-7/2016 - UCLA Women’s Golf Team Physician
Los Angeles, CA
8/2015-7/2016 - Encinal High School Football
Alameda, CA
8/2014-12/2014 - University of San Francisco Basketball
San Francisco, CA
10/2013-6/2015 - University of San Francisco Soccer
San Francisco, CA
8/2012-6/2015 - Sacred Heart Cathedral Preparatory Football
San Francisco, CA
- Diplomate, American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery – Board Certified
- Orthopaedic Sports Medicine - Subspecialty Board Certification
- State of California Qualified Medical Evaluator License – 2016-present
- Drug Enforcement Administration License – 2012-present
- State of California Physician and Surgeon’s License - 2011-present
- State of California X-ray Supervisor and Operator License - 2013-present
- Biceps pathology
- Frozen shoulder release
- Rotator cuff problems
- Rotator cuff repair
- Shoulder arthritis
- Shoulder arthroscopy
- Shoulder labrum repair
- Shoulder ligament repair
- Shoulder pain
- Shoulder problems
- Shoulder replacement
- Shoulder replacement revision
- Shoulder surgery
- Shoulder tendon repair
- SLAP injuries
- Elbow pain
- Elbow problems
- Elbow surgery
- Elbow tendon repair
Hand & Wrist
- Hip fracture care
- Hip pain
- Hip problems
- Hip surgery
- Gluteus medius repair
- IT band
- Trochanteric bursitis
- Achilles tendon repair
- ACL joint pathology
- ACL reconstruction
- Knee arthritis
- Knee arthroscopy
- Knee ligament repair
- Knee pain
- Knee problems
- Knee replacement
- Knee surgery
- Knee tendon repair
- Patellofemoral pain syndrome
- PCL reconstruction
- Posterolateral corner injuries
- Quadriceps tendon repair
- Instability/dislocation/labral injuries
- Meniscus repair
- Menisectomy
- Reconstruction of posterolateral corner injuries
Foot and Ankle
- Acute fracture management
- Ankle injury
- Ankle ligament reconstruction
- Ankle pain
- Ankle tendon repair
- Foot and ankle fractures
Other Topics
- Avascular necrosis
- Cartilage implantation and transfer
- Cartilage restoration and repair
- Chondral injuries
- Femoroacetabular impingement
- Impingement syndrome
- Industrial medicine and workers' compensation
- Microfracture surgery
- Osteochondral allografts
- Osteochondral defects
- Sports medicine
- Tendinitis
- Tendinopathy treatment
- Trauma
- Work-related injuries
- Virgil Pinkley Scholarship Award, University of Southern California, 2010.
- Town and Gown Scholarship, University of Southern California, 2009.
- Outstanding Scientific Exhibit Award, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 75th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Mar 5-9, 2008.
- Town and Gown Scholarship, University of Southern California, 2008.
- Baxter Fellowship for Outstanding Abstract, Keck School of Medicine Medical Student Research Forum and Poster Day, Los Angeles, CA, May 5, 2008.
- Justice Brandeis Scholar, Brandeis University, 2000-2004.
- Jensen AR, Maciel RC, Petrigliano FA, Rodriguez JP, Brooks AG. Injuries Sustained by the Mixed Martial Arts Athlete. Sports Health. 2016 Aug.
- Hohn EA, Brooks AG, Leasure JM, Camisa W, van Warmerdam JM, Kondrashov DG, Montgomery WH, McGann WA. Development of a Surgical Skills Curriculum for the Training and Assessment of Manual Skills in Orthopedic Surgery Resident. J Surg Educ, 2015 Jan-Feb;72(1):47-52.
- Rodriguez JP, Brooks AG. Martial Arts Injury Prevention, AAOS OrthoInfo, http://orthoinfo.aaos.org/topic.cfm?topic=A00681, 2013 Sep.
- Brooks AG, Domb BG. Acetabular Labral Tear and Postpartum Hip Pain. Obstet Gynecol, 2012 Nov; 120(5): 1093-8.
- Domb BG, Davis JT, Alberta FG, Mohr KJ, Brooks AG, ElAttrache NS, Yocum LA, Jobe FW. Clinical follow-up of professional baseball players undergoing ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction using the new Kerlan-Jobe Orthopaedic Clinic overhead athlete shoulder and elbow score (KJOC Score). Am J Sports Med, 2010 Aug; 38(8):1558-63.
- Domb, BG, Brooks AG, Byrd JWT. Clinical examination of the hip joint in athletes. J Sport Rehab, 2009 Feb; 18(1):3-23.
- Domb BG, Glousman RE, Brooks AG, ElAttrache NS. High-tension double-row footprint repair compared with reduced-tension single-row medialized repair for massive rotator cuff tears. J Bone Joint Surg Am, 2008 Nov; 90 Suppl 4:35-9.
- Brooks AG, Redmond J, Domb BG. Hip Diagnosis and Decision Making. In Delee and Drez: Orthopaedic Sports Medicine, 4e. Philadelphia: Saunders, 2014.
- Domb BG, Brooks AG, Guanche CA. Physical examination of the hip. In Hip and Pelvis Injuries in Sports Medicine. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2009.
- Domb BG, Davis JT, Brooks AG, Mohr K, ElAttrache NS, Yocum LA, Jobe FW. Comparison of KJOC Shoulder and Elbow Score to DASH and DASH Sports Module scores in professional baseball players undergoing ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 75th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Mar 5-9, 2008.
- Domb BG, Glousman RE, Brooks AG, ElAttrache NS. Repair of massive retracted tears of the rotator cuff with medialized single-row repair vs. double-row footprint repair: A biomechanical comparison. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 75th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Mar 5-9, 2008.
- Hohn EA, Brooks AG, Camisa W, Leasure JM, Kondrashov DG, Montgomery WH, McGann WA, van Warmerdam JM. Surgical Skills Curriculum: Development of Orthopaedic Training Modules. EPoster. North American Spine Society 29th Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA, Nov 12-14, 2014.
- Rodriguez JP, Brooks AG. Orthopedic Injuries in Mixed Martial Arts. Western Orthopaedic Association Annual Meeting, Kona, HI, Jul 30-Aug 2, 2014.
- Domb BG, Hansen M, Lee T, Brooks AG, ElAttrache NS, Glousman RE. Massive rotator cuff repair: a biomechanical comparison of single-row vs. double-row repair accounting for tension differential. E-Poster. Arthroscopy Association of North America Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, Apr 30- May 3, 2009.
- Domb BG, Hansen M, Lee T, Brooks AG, ElAttrache NS, Glousman RE. High-tension doublerow footprint repair vs. reduced-tension single-row medialized repair for massive rotator cuff tears. Keck School of Medicine Medical Student Research Forum and Poster Day, Los Angeles, CA, May 5, 2008.
- Domb BG, Glousman RE, Brooks AG, ElAttrache NS. Repair of massive retracted tears of the rotator cuff with medialized single-row repair vs. double-row footprint repair: A biomechanical comparison. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 75th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Mar 5-9, 2008.
- Brooks AG, Pham C, Jensen AR, Andrews JR, Rodriguez JP. Orthopedic Injuries in Mixed Martial Arts. Association of Ringside Physicians Annual Meeting. Las Vegas, NV, Oct 27, 2018.
- Rodriguez JP, Brooks AG. Orthopedic Injuries in Mixed Martial Arts. 2014 OREF/ORS Pacific Coast Regional Resident Research Symposium. San Francisco, CA, Oct 31, 2014
- Brooks AG, Camisa W, Leasure J, Kondrashov DG, McGann WA. Surgical Skills Curriculum: Development of Orthopaedic Training Modules. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 81st Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, Mar 11-15, 2014.
- Brooks AG, Domb BG. Acetabular Labral Tear and Postpartum Hip Pain. San Francisco Orthopaedic Residency Program Residency Research Day. San Francisco, CA, June 7, 2013.
- Domb BG, Davis JT, Mohr K, Alberta F, Brooks AG, ElAttrache NS, Yocum LA, Jobe FW. Clinical follow-up of throwers undergoing ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction using the Kerlan- Jobe Orthopaedic Clinic Shoulder and Elbow Score. Keck School of Medicine Medical Student Research Forum and Poster Day, Los Angeles, CA, May 5, 2008.
- Domb BG, Hansen M, Lee T, Brooks AG, ElAttrache NS, Glousman RE. High-tension doublerow footprint repair vs. reduced-tension single-row medialized repair for massive rotator cuff tears. Western Medical Student Research Forum, Monterey, CA, Jan 30-Feb 2, 2008.
- Domb BG, Davis JT, Mohr K, Alberta F, Brooks AG, ElAttrache NS, Yocum LA, Jobe FW. Clinical follow-up of throwers undergoing ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction using the Kerlan- Jobe Orthopaedic Clinic Shoulder and Elbow Score. Western Medical Student Research Forum, Carmel, CA, Jan 30-Feb 2, 2008.
- Fellow, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 10/2019-present
- American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, 11/2015-present
- Arthroscopy Association of North America, 5/2012-present
- California Orthopaedic Association, 2016-present